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          Is it a God to live in a dog?

          Most believe art subjective; art, not subjective.

          There's a clear difference between art and subjective material; the difference is dedication to craft and development of technique; in literature, writer's ability to grasp the mechanics of the English Language.  Does the writer use grammar?

          Although teachers and students have been arguing grammar for centuries, grammar impedes creativity; keen students use grammar to be creative, bringing us to the complete sentence.  It has two main parts: subject / action A sentence is considered incomplete when either of these parts are missing; brain, registering fragmented thought, sentence pattern three, help, overload, does not compute.  Think outside the box.  Speak inside.  Write from the heart to a broader audiance.  Complete sentences allow for clear and precise communication, sentence patterns:

          1.  Subject action.

          2.  Subject action; acute subject action; abtuse subject action.

          3.  Subject action; subject, consequence.

          4.  Subject action: related subject action clarification.

          5.  Onomadapeia.

          6.  Diliberate incomplete sentence.

          7.  Point and case. 

          Prime example: Dog barks.

          You could add adjectives and adverbs to describe the dog barking, but to do so narrows your audience.  Keep it simple, develop the story.  Make sure subject / action(s) are related and interrelated with the various parts of speech, if not, your simple sentence will become skewed; the ferocious dog barks, incorrect.  When you write the ferocious dog barks; you imply a type of dog, wolf, German Shepherd, definitely not an English Terrier.  Unless you're writing a story about a flee infested Terrier with rabies; the wolf howls is the correct response; a wolf barks when subdued.  When you use parts of speech be specific; in the story of the ferocious wolf, dog is a pronoun, word substitute; a consequence is not a prerequisite for a complete sentence.  Dog barks, startling the mailman, incorrect.  Dog barks; mailman jumps; the fact the mailman is startled, implied, unless the mailman has a steak bone.

          Dog barks; mailman throws bone; dog growls, gnaws mailman's leg.  Bone bounces into hole; rat, draging bone to a community feeding hole. Rat declared King.  Squeak! 

          Parts of speech stimulate nerve centers in the brain, which attract or repel information depending on word association and reader's vocabulary; use them sparingly with your audience in mind, if you do, the heart of the story will inspire and captivate; often, there are more appropriate words to strengthen the bond between subject / action, the misuse of a single word can change the content of an entire body of work.

          Forthwith, I'll identify subjects / actions in the Bible then determine the proper parts of speech, grammatical errors, double negatives, like phrases, improper punctuation and pronouns, conjoining words, if and or but, coma tangents and unresolved parts.  Argument: integrity, the word is compromised; I'm ignoring omens, invoking curses; my life's testimony.

          None the less, nonetheless, there's no connection; the process of revision is an active function of the written and spoken word.  By nature, we break down what we see, hear and read to relate to it; Bible, no exception; in the end, it's up to you.  Decide.  Is there's any method to my madness?

          I'll be commenting on the King James, Shakespeare, Rothschild and Lord Carrington (Zionists) had their hand in it.  1440 AD, the Zionsists, along with German goldsmith, Johann Gutenberg, the puppet pioneer, invented the print press, books and paper money, cornerstone of the world banking system; the first Bible, published in 1616 AD, same year Shakespeare died; the book was worth it's weight in gold.  A black cloud rains down on the Zionist movement, for their role in the saga of the Jewish people 2000 BC, to the great wars that plagued the 20th century; they've had only one agenda, greed and the relentless pursuit of power in all its forms, at any cost, dipping their hands in the blood of saints.  Beyond a doubt, they're the most diabolical sect ever to walk the face of the earth.  This reason alone brings into question the integrety of the Bible and the motives of the Zionists; though it may be hard to except, the Holy Bible has "holes" in it, nothing more than red herrings planted by the Zionists to increase their power over the world; tampered with long before I was born.  Well no longer.  Unless they assassinate or buy me out, from this day forth, the holy word, sanctified.  You could say.  This book is a fishing expedition to hook the foul fish floating belly up on the seas of salvation; where discrepancies exist, I'll cross reference with Reader's Digest; they have the most extensive encyclopaedia set on the subject of Christ.

          Prime subject, action, object: I am it.
