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          George Santayana, 19th century Spanish American, "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."  Judging by the world's present condition, humanity has a lot to learn.  Though how can we learn from the past when history is so obscure?

          Shrouded in secrecy, history, derived from the spoken  and written word, subjected to censorship, classification, bias.  Graves, relics, artifacts, documents pertaining to the past, desecrated, destroyed in wars, lost in natural disasters, fires and floods.  Modern history is no exception; take destruction of World Trade Towers on Sept 11 2001 AD.  One day we have world trade, the next, currency, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, etc., fallen by the waste side.  No joke.  911 cost the American economy over 200 billion plus another 500 billion on National Defence to assure it never happens again.  Obviously, a very rich goat funded the hit.  So who profited?

          American dollar plumetting.  Canadian dollar rising.  Not to say Canada had anything to do with it.  Biggest cash out, insurance claims, 35 billion dollars.  Shift in currency, because I built Rome in day laying floors for the mega chain Wallmart, same year the German economy bankrupted 121 stores; 1 month, I worked over 300 hours in 3 time zones, least paid player, greatest work load, bedevilled, crying from the acid in my eyes, nearly scorched a store; the insulation in the wall caught fire.  I told State, "Ceasar merely contracted it," I laughed, "if you give Ceasar 3 days to build Rome...and the Csar achieves it in 1 what does that tell you?"

          It means Ceasar cuts corners; it doesn't mean Csar is a craftsman.

          Freedom of information a lie; people are presided over by marshal law, corporate empires, greedy governments, authority figures abusing their power, censoring, beguiling the processing of information by compromising its integrity; any event considered a matter of national security is prohibited and sanctioned with no time frame attached; though spoken word attests to a century after the fact.  If the year is 2007 AD, then 1907 AD is our point of origin, meaning people in close proximity to the event horizon will be dead and gone before the truth ever sees the light of day; as a result, historians focus their studies on the physical phenomena of who, what, where, when and how an event occurred, creating reference points, instead of studying the actual reasons behind the phenomena, the question why?


          Neophyte historians, the worse; they point at historical scapegoats like Adolph Hitler, who will go down in history as the world's wickedest man, well not if I have something to say about it; too much emphasis on his persona; he condoned genocide, an evil mastermind of propaganda and politics playing his flute, inspiring the Germans to dance like rats to a pied piper, marching, drumming, enticing entire nations into war and murder.  You know, the story about the Vienna Vagrant, the starving artist who tried to take over the world.  Good luck.  Art is not dead and dying next to God.  Everyone, including Hitler, when forced to act in dire circumstances finds themselves in the midst of a different kind of war, the eternal struggle between the emotional, intellectual and instinctual centers of our being, prompting us to do one of two things, stay and fight against the odds for a cause greater than ourselves, or run.  Hitler was a scapegoat for millions of anti-Semitists existing elsewhere in the world; even the layman knows it takes an entire village to raise a child, not the other way around; it's this kind of narrow-minded thinking that disrespects the millions of Jews who died during the darkest hours of the Holocaust and insults the intelligence of the free thinker.  Holocaust means sacrifice to God, not genocide, mass murder.

          Foremost.  The Nazis were a secret society dating back to the Nazarites, the first Nazi Riech.  Death of Moses, book of Joshua.  Second Riech, Ceasar and Christ.  Third, Hitler.

          Minor, Hitler, an anti-Zionist, National Democrat, not anti-Semetic, National Socialist, supreme oxymoron, confusing socialsts with communists, a dead give away.  Jew, Socialite.  Soviet, Common Wealth.  Major.  Nazi stands for Nin Anti-Zionist Impasse: no rich Jews in France.  Germany raged political anarchy and war against the British Empire, Carrington, Rothschild, world banks, rich Jew in France, after Albert Einstein accost Hitler about Uranium for his experiments, 1933 AD.

          Thanks to Einstein's Freudian slip, Hitler wised up to nuclear energy, more importantly, nuclear medicine, which Mussolini and the Godfather Lombard were working on; he realized the Zionists had already cornered 3 of the 4 primary sources of Uranium: 3 pure sources, Canada, South Africa and Czechoslovakia, with 1 depleated source falling to Russia, a dried well the Gods have been mining for millenia.  Hitler had the proof he needed to free Germany from the Treaty of Versailles, an admition of guilt for the first world war.

          1914 AD, WWI, the bloody British, under false pretenses, conspire, murder, extort; case, point, during the Great Depression, the Zionists funnelled gold and uranium out of the Sudeten Lands, which rightfully belonged to the Germans, via the Polish Corridor and the free city of Danzig; bemused by the Zionists' deceit and inability to spend money on their own people, sick, addicted and homeless in Spain, Germany fostered the Jews, championing their quest for a homeland.  I kid you not.

          Hitler single handedly lifted the world out of the Great Depression.  1939 AD, WWII dawns at the apex of the Industrial Revolution.  In May of 1941 the war had just begun; the Germans had the biggest ships; they had the biggest guns.  Germany launches Bismark, most powerful battleship ever to sail the 7 seas, transforming world into a vehicle of science and technology, art, religion, a thing of the past, domesticated with civilization, most significant, the invention of film and the fall of architecture.  Gone days of playing sticks and stones in holy cathedrals.  Paradoxically, Hitler was both an artist and an architect.

          Prior to WWI, during the Industrial Revolution Germany, under Imperial rule, became Europe's leading industrial nation, joining the ranks of the Super Powers along side US, UK and to some extent the Soviet Union and Japan; not only did Germany become an industrialized nation, a nation giving birth to Free Enterprise, a self-efficient economy with little or no government control.

          A country or city is free when it becomes independent of other countries for survival; during the Industrial Revolution, Germany gained its indepedence through the import and exportation of raw materials, cotton, coal, iron, steel, etc.  German industry flourished, though the numbers were impressive, mild in comparison to the emergence of the electrical, chemical and motor industries, which Germany pioneered; Germany, securing her place among the Super Powers.


          1901 AD, German bankers make a fortune monopolizing commerce by merging with big business, forcing smaller businesses into bankruptcy, allowing for set prices on goods and services; the bankers also strengthened their influence in the political arena by setting up government trusts and mingling with royalty.  They became noble advisors, a new type of government, a government within a government was formed; the role of the government had become obsolete and acted more as a figure head than having any kind of authority.  In the old days, nobility appointed generals to rule over the land, preferring the art of war over bargaining and diplomacy, building a kinship with the bankers made sense; it, becoming clear in the coming age dictatorship was taking a back seat to capitalism.  While the bankers were making a fortune, Industry polluted the air and water; population, booming.  The majority of the masses found themselves working and living under very poor conditions. 


          WWI started by the mobilization of Britian, Russia and France, who broke a pact with Germany limiting the amount of industry and military armament; to balance the scales of power, Germany formed an axis with Austria / Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, Archduke and titular king of Jerusalem via the bloodline of Noah; after mobilization, the British Empire sparked WWI by assassinating Ferdinand under the umbrella of the Black Hand.

          After WWI, Germany, branded the scapegoat, the world fell into a Great Depression, inflation, crime and unemployment, skyrocketing; police and work unions were formed; Germany, in complete civil unrest.  Hitler's rise to power is no mystery when you grasp democracy: the rights of the people take precedent over the economical and social demands of the state.  The Great Depression coupled with the Treaty of Versailles was too much for the Germans to bare.  Even Winston Churchill wrote, Germany was condemned to pay reparations on a fabulous scale; these dictates gave expression to the anger of the victors, and to the failure of their peoples to understand that no defeated nation or community can ever pay tribute on a scale which would meet the cost of modern war.


          Germany was feeling the weight of the world upon it's shoulders like the lonely powerless victim of a merciless dog pile.  After WWI, Germany became a democracy under the Weimer Republic; it was a farce, failed miserably.  The people were losing faith; the army, deserting and joining the police force.  Who could blame them?

          Everywhere they turned; people's rights, trampled under foot, opening a large window for the Nazi Party; they begin a cut throat political campaign for the people and recruite Hitler into their ranks.  Prior to the outbreak of WWII, Time Magazine hailed Hitler as man of the year, Olympic Games held in Berlin, David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister, announces Hitler as crown jewel of democracy, Hitler is the George Washington of Germany, those who imagine Germany has swung back to it's old Imperialist temper cannot have any understanding of the character of the change.

          Adolph Hitler was born in the city of Braunau, Austria on Easter Sunday 1889 AD, forth child of Klara and Alois Hitler; he was a rebellious child who loved the arts and hated academics; his father was a conservative preaching civil service, against Hitler's pipe dream of becoming an artist.  In contrast, Hitler's mother was quite supportive; when his father died, she inherited enough money to send Hitler to Vienna to study art in 1908 AD.  In Vienna, Hitler applied to the Vienna School of Fine Arts and was rejected; his art, too subversive, tried architecture, failed miserably.

          Depressed, Hitler spent the next 6 years as a vagrant, selling his sketches on the streets for a loaf of bread, where he apparently developed his hatred toward the Jew, spending most of his time reading occult and ant-Semitic literature and hanging out with petty criminals.  Eventually, Hitler made his way to Munich and joined the army at the outbreak of WWI; he was a brave corporal who jumped at the opportunity to prove himself, fighting in 47 battles on the Western Front as a dispatch runner.

          Near the end of the war's tenure, Hitler was wounded, tear gased, awarded the Iron Cross, spent the remaining months hospitalized, recuperating from blindness; while in the hospital, he supposedly had a vision of Christ, who sent him on a holy crusade, or so they say.  When Hitler was released; he studied democracy in Munich under the Weimar Republic; in Munich, Nazis courted Hitler for two reasons: a) orator skills, and, b) blood ties.

          Hitler's charismatic character was just what the doctor ordered; as head of the National Socialist Party, well Democratic Party, Hitler took it to the industry and the bankers; overnight, he became famous as thousands flocked to hear him speak.  Hitler was so popular he needed a private police force, SS; the Nazis, their own small army, Storm Troopers, seperate from the government; Soviets had the SA, nothing in comparison; the Troopers were militant.

          1923 AD, Hitler leds a revolt against parliament, the Putsch; overzealousness got the best of him; with the help of the SA, the Weimar Republic thwarted Hitler's attempt to overtake the Reichstag.  Fearing Hitler would become a martyr; the Weimer Republic sentenced him to 5 years, a light sentence, the penalty for treason was death.  Hitler only served 9 months; the incident made the Nazis rethink their plan; they would climb over the hills of democracy.

          The Putsch wasn't a total loss, Hitler was now more popular than ever; not only was he fighting for the rights of the people, he wasn't afraid to sacrifice his own life for their cause; the Nazis spent the next 9 years bringing the Third Reich into power.

          Democracy gave the Nazis a forum from which to gain power and prestige over the German people; they took full advantage of its doctrine; while rivaling parties where scrambling to fulfil the unparalleled demands of the economy, they fulfilled the demands of the people, hence controlling the economy.  Once in power, the Nazis strived for a single party system of absolute rule, arguing democracy did not depend on an elected government.  In protest, the SA burn the Reichstag; fearing a communist uprising, Hitler quickly and legitimately passed the Decree for the Protection of People and State, banning parties a threat to the state; later, he passed the Enabling Act, which granted him complete authority over the next 4 years.  To prevent high treason, on July 30, 1933 AD, what is known as the Night of Long knives, Hitler ordered an elite band of Storm Troopers, the SS, to eliminate the uprising.  Over the next 3 days, hundreds of people killed, including key Communist Socialist leaders; Hitler, praised for preventing a civil war.

          Another defining factor to Hitler's rise to power was the modernization of the German household; there were more people in Germany with radios and televisions than any other country in the world; the German people, like the rest, became fascinated with technology.  Night after night, families sat and listened to the promises of salvation, when the chains of the great depression would be lifted; Da Fuhrer, a star.  With the Nazis in absolute power, Hilter demanded the League of Nations return the Sudeten Lands and Danzig to Germany so the terms of the Treaty could be met, anything less was an insult.  Stalin sides with Hitler, the uranium mine in Mongolia, depleted.  As it were, Germany was borrowing money from the US to pay back Britain and France, who in turn, gave it back to the US for funding the war; needless to say, Germany's economy would never thrive as an independent nation under these conditions.  Britain new if they gave into Hitler's demands, regardless of the validity of Germany's position, Germany would become a world power and supercede them within a decade or two.


          My point, historians develop their thesis' around the physical phenomena; they assume Hitler's actions were premeditated thereby justifying the actions of the Allies, instead of contemplating the religious and political implications of such actions, and whether or not Hitler was within his right to do so.  They overall style and tone of Mien Kampf, supposed proof of premeditation, has no real cohesion. Collaboration theories are commonplace; people have been arguing Shakespeare and Jesus for centuries; the book's style and tone is erratic, except for the underlining attitude toward the Jews, which is only apparent after the first hundred pages or so, probably the extent of Hitler's contribution.

          Hitler speaks of the Jewish role in society with no racial inclination, Social activity must never and on no account be directed toward philanthropic flim flam, but rather toward the elimination of the basic deficiencies in the organization of our economic and cultural life leading to the degeneration of the individual.  I was left with the impression Hitler empythized with the minority; philanthropic is derived from patriot, patriotism, or the social and economical equivalent of tithing or taxes; he was preaching democracy; the rights of the individual outweigh the social / economical demands of the state.  Later, Hitler speaks about the importance of education, I can fight only for something that I love, love only what I respect, and respect only what I least know.

          Racism never crossed his mind until his early twenties, thus far I did not so much as suspect the existence of an organized opposition to the Jews.  Hitler even expresses how racial remarks about the Jews made him sick, I saw no distinguishing feature but the strange religion. The fact they had, as I believed, been persecuted on this account sometimes almost turned my distaste at unfavorable remarks about them into horror.

          If skewed, one passage could show contempt, only the knowledge of the Jews provides the key which to comprehend the inner and consequently real aims of Social Democracy, hence, today I believe that I am in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.  But if we condemn Hitler then Jesus is his scapegoat; and Jesus answered, my Kingdom is not of this world!  If my Kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered into the hands of the Jews.

          Something tells me Kampf was written by a bunch of oxymorons; besides, I doubt anyone read it.  Hitler's struggle aside, this tendency to pad history is so ingrained in us; we have a hard time distinguishing fact from fiction. All in all, history is hurting in a bad way, leaving plenty of room for some history buff to turn the world upside down, pose the question: why?  And where are the signs and the omens?