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 July 13, 100 BC - March 15, 44 BC
Veni, vidi, vici - I came; I saw; I conquered.
Ceasar was born into a wealthy Patriarch linked to Aeneas, Trojan prince, son of Venus; as a young adult, Ceasar joined the Roman army and quickly rose through the ranks; ordained with the Civic Crown for valor, Ceasar played a significant role in the Siege of Mytilene, the Spartan War, and the Conquest of Gaul, sparking the first Roman Civil War between the Monarch, Church and State.  After a series of victories against his brotherhood, Ceasar made a bold move, liberating Egypt and wedding Cleopatra, last of the Pharaohs.  Allied with Egypt, the Monarch and Church had no choice; they declared peace and Ceasar "King of the World".  Ceasar and Cleopatra had a child, Ceasarian, Christ's mentor. 
After his anointment, Ceasar had a vision of Christ, wrote the unofficial declaration of Democacy and began a political campaign for the rights of the people.  Bemused by Ceasar's transformation, key members of the Roman Senate, mainly Marcus Brutus and his conspirators, assassinated Ceasar in 44 BC.

Trojan War