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          This is an interactive website incorperating the Holy Bible into history.  I'm not a revisionist; I am Lloyd, pure bread biblical Scholar, not SIN # etc., etc; Lloyd, an old english name meaning grey haired knight on a reluctant journey to find truth and God; under my belt, UBC Under-graduate, King on Normandy, in my front pocket, Trinity Western Biblical Bachelor, King of Poland, back pocket, Carrington, Rothschild, the Third Reich locked in conflict since the days of Noah, warlords who survived the flood and the fall of Heaven, a godless people ravaged by biomechanics, cults, debauchery, the height of vanity, much like the world we live in today.
          There's only 2 events happening in the world today: raising of Heaven / Olympus / Atlantis, off the coast of Cuba and Japan, Bermuda / Dragon's Triangle.  Where do you think all these high tech gadets came from?
          It's encoded in our blood; sin, breeding again; only this time, instead of flooding the planet, God will scourge the rock with fire like a blacksmith and his sword; worksited, hidden.  You do the math; we're in a heath of a lot of trouble.  Get the picture.
