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          Remember, the pen's mightier than the sword; ye must resist the urge to reach for it; the noblest are of us. For ye who lives by the sword shall die by it, less thy heart be full of virtue, then ye shall not die but be resurrected, praised and forgiven.  Alas.  Sadness.  For ye who refuses to live by the sword shall die by the spoken and written word, with no chance of salvation or glory.  Ye shall surely die and fear thyself in darkness, living upon an Island of solitude, forever judged and forsaken by the world.

          Hello.  I, Lloyd William Pedersen, March 2, 1976, dedicated, willful, blessed, of sound mind and virtue, born the same day as John the Baptist, honor you with my lineage spanning over two thousand years of history; my bloodline links the British Royal Family, Lord Carrington, grand master of freemasonry, to the Grail legend Parzival, Pedersen, Danish Viking King who founded Germany and the Visigoths, along with those who were loyal to Ceasar's Rome.

          A dark veil of conspiracy and mystery masks masons, Vatican Zionist movement; Parzival populated Romania, settled in Spain and became guardians of the grail.  Ironically, my father Mogens was born on December 25, the night of Christ's conception; my Fafa, grandfather, bore the name Aleph, the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, marking the age of Pieces, the Water Bearer.  It's in my blood.


          Though my bloodline is intersting; I'd like to thank and dedicate this book to my first born, Dillon Thomas Uvacik-Pedersen, whose will to live is unparallel; next to me, his mother's bloodline is a fascinating one.  Though I'm unfamiliar with her madian name; she was the bastard child of an Austrian Arch.  Her adopted family fled Czechoslovakia during the Velvet Revolution of 1989 AD; they sold their possessions then bought their freedom, crossing swamps and mine fields from Slovakia into the Czech Republic, before eventually migrating to Canada.

          The lad is a titular king to Jerusalem with ties to Noah and Franz Ferdinand, Austrian Archduke whose assassination sparked the First World War.  Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, after the flood, Noah traveled North into Black Sea, Shem, South into Africa, Ham, East into Persia, Japheth, West along Mediterranean.  Another parallel, Hitler's father, was a bastard arch, one of the factors constituting his rise into power, outlined in the Spear of Destiny.  Ironic.  Hilter shares with my son a clinical disorder known as monorchia.


          I consider myself a man of faith on a relentless journey to find God; although some will scream heresy; I felt it imperative to address the misconceptions and myths surrounding the Bible and its ties to history.  Let me stress, I'm in no way slandering the word, merely offering a unique and honest perspective to one of the finest pieces of literature ever written; however, I'm not here to praise it either.  For me, the truth is four words on a crumpled piece of paper reading: I love you dad.  Mind you, my early childhood is riddled with religious undertones; mother, dangling my spirit over a few churches in her time.  I spent years immersed in different religions:

          My opinion may seem bias, but I speak with authority, memories of early childhood abuse; remembering a cult in a feild, my mother's multiple baptisms and singing songs in Sunday school; we would gather in a circle, join hands and sing, "Jesus loves me this I know; for the Bible tells me so.  We are weak; but he is strong, so pray to God all day long."  When they lured me into the field, fear and excitement pumped through my viens; there was a fire burning six feet high, ten of us, naked, dancing around it; an older gentlemen was sitting on a tree stump smoking cigarettes and passing out alcohol.  "Drink up boys, plenty more where that came from," he laughed, patting us on the back; the next thing I knew; I was getting into fights and making out with older girls, the fast track to sex, addiction and death.