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200,000 BC, the dawn of Cave Man.  The oldest Cave Man, Peking Man, connected to the Mongolian Race, spanning from Soviet China to Brazil, along the western coast of the Americas, connected to Japanese, American Indians and Mexicans.  The Huns and Khans.
Next, Lucy, Negroid, Africa, South America Zulus.  George, Caucosoid, Middle East.  25,000, BC George develops war like tendency, evolves into Neanderthal Man, Lava Man, Europe and Neophite, India.  Negroid and Mongaloid remain tribal, develop defence mechanisms.  Problem once again.  Ice Age wiping out 80% of the world's species during their supposed dawn, point of origin, evolving out of a Pandemic.  Good Luck.  If they evolved out of the Ice Age; they would have originated from the Rainforests.  What is the likelihood Cave Man lived before the Ice Age?
Plausible, humanity has a way of surviving the worst of conditions, hidding from tropical storms by a fire in a Cave seems reasonable to me, sweat lodges; they had smaller lungs, perhaps gills; best guess, Cave Man out lives and supersedes the Dinosaurs in the Basins, Rings of fire, condemed to die by their sheer mass and size.  Cave Man versus Raptor.  Maybe Man evolved from dinosaur, no conflict, Dinosaur descends into the Caves.  Check the DNA strands.

Pyramid of Fire