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          We fear death.  Why?

          For good reason.  Fear, death, seeded in apathy.  God will punish, well forsake those who substain; we're neither good nor evil, arguing morality, endlessly questioning, binding ourselves to ignorance, sin, instead of being courageous, wise, moral.

          If we continue to live in denial by choosing to do nothing in light of knowing the difference, we will forever be bound by time and circumstance:  and the Lord God said, behold, man has become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, let him put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.  Doubt it?

          Though the apathetic, meek shall inherit the earth, the earth is in dire straights; problem stems from our inability to recognize the good in ourselves, in our families, friends, especially in our foes.  We must learn to love, honor and forgive; if we do not yield unto life these things then our lives and inevitably the world will continue to end in turmoil and bloodshed.

         And where there is blood, God pleads with us to look, to remember the good in ourselves, in our families, friends, especially in our foes, before we forget and find ourselves in the midst of another world war.  Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I will fear no evil, pass no judgment, empathize and understand.

           In Prague the immortal vampire announces to the world.  "vinner is Vancouver."

          When you die, Jesus, assuming he is still the immortal vampire, will come for your soul in a boat full of gold; thank your lucky stars because it used to be the Devil.  Staring in the face of humility, Jesus will do 1 of 2 things: sell you your eyes for 2 coins and salvation, hand you 3 golden candle sticks, 7 if you're lucky.  Yes.  Jesus will then sail your soul to the Moon, guide it through the Great Pyramid, where you will repent your sins and fears, come face to face with the Holy Ghost.  Be smart.  Take the coins.
          When you reach the labyrinth, Jesus will light your candles then lead you into darkness; eventually you will meet Maat, daughter of Hades, maybe Tiamaat the great dragon of Adromeda who flew Adam across Space and Time to Eve, Earth, Ethiopia, near Egypt, Garden of Eden.  Egypt means city of Set, another word for Satan.
          Satan was in the Garden when God took the rib of Adam and created Eve.  Look closely, there's a spinal cord, brain, heart and three rivers, Golgotha, meaning place of the skull, Cairo, crucifixion, also where God placed the 2 swords Excalibur and Goliath to keep Satan / Adam / Eve out of the Garden, brain or skull.  Satan / Adam / Eve travel into Valley of Kings, rest in the heart of Egypt.
          Eve bares Cain and Able; Cain slays Able; Cain, marked, returns to the city of his birth, down the spinal cord to Ethiopia and the three rivers.  God builds arch of government, Covenant, seals Satan in it; God knights Excalibur and Goliath, demi-Gods, in the guild of Hercules and Cerberus, passing the tourch on to them so to speak.
           Egypt aside, Maat will place your heart on the Scales of Judgement against the weight of a feather from the great Dodo Bird.  If you're light hearted your soul will be set free; if not, if it is heavy, it will be cast into the lake of fire, the Sun, to be reborn in a new body below your stature; to the degree you're immoral.  There's no way to measure this except through Chaos Theory; it exists outside logic, space and time.  I'm hoping to reincarnate as a mosquito, life expendancy, 24 hours.  Christ freed the world from ignorance through inbalming, yes uh, thanks to Jesus escape is possible through consciousness and decomposition, hang my skeleton in a closest.  Fear not; majority of you, free to live out your life, as mundane as it may seem, a bright light at the end of a long dark turnpike, before Jesus, there was only the devil watching over you.  Thank you Jesus.  Apathy is the vice of slavery.  There's hope!
          Alas, hope is the virtue of despair, evil doers who seek to destroy good, evil existing in our minds, institues of power and authority, law, government, corporate, industrial, religious, learning institutions, dividing, conquering masses, breaking backs, banishing spirits, killing destiny; system breeds hate, not vise versa, laws protect the minority of people controlling the majority of the wealth, pro-divorce, war, greed, slavery, idol worshiping, the grading system.  Jesus is here; world, coming to an end, at least changing into a hyper-ego, hyper-sensitive / psychic-ecosystem, lacking trust, loyalty and father figures.
          You are already forgiven apathetic fools, on your way to a new Earth; you are the heros, sacrificing art for the good of the family, an honest attempt.  Divine anology:
          Jesus turned to me and said, "Lord, ur Lloyd, I need you to lead the sheep to the slaughter."
          Mortified, I asked, "where are you going?"
          "One of the sheep has strayed; I must go after it,"  he replied.
          "What sense does it make to go after one stray sheep?"
          Scared Jesus laughed. "Wolves hunt stray sheep.  One wolf means I spare the heard for another season, sell their wool again next year.  Can you imagine the feast?  If something, well, bring back plenty of food for my family, take care of them."
          Not one sheep strayed.  Sadly, Jesus died fighting the big bad wolf.  Moral: the masses, sheep are the true sacrifice, could expand the story, trust me, Jesus never returned.


Egyptian Coins


