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Warning!  Please be aware you are witnessing the hidden history of the Jewish People; I apologize; forgive me if I alienate, offend or disrespect anyone, especially the Jews who died during the darkest hours of the holocaust.
The Jewish bloodline stems from Southern Britain, Plymouth Rock, Stonehenge area, sister y cromeazone of the Amish people, Ireland.  Before the flood, north of the Garden, there lived two Viking Kings, Norman and Morton of Normandy; they raped and pillaged the land, pushing the Jews out of the British Isles down through France and Spain, to Portugal; where they dwelled until after the flood; when Noah's first son, Jepeth, helped them cross the Pillars of Hercules, Morocco, into the Holy Land, procreating with the House of Isaac, Jacob / Esau, Isreal / Palistine.
They have no legitimate claim to the holy land.  Thanks to Rothschild, Carrington and Truman, the Zionists now rule the holy land as corperate puppets in a bid for something called Jesus Land; be rest assured I know exactly where Jesus walked and on what day; Jesus hardly ever walked the holy land, three times maybe, when he was born, when he spoke to the Elders and when he turned the tables claiming to be the son of Herod, "this is my father's house."  Egypt, Palestine, Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, Pakistan, Tibet, India, China.  Trust me Jesus never walked the holy land.  Christ was a Iraqi/Palestinian, crucified at lake Quraan in the heart of Egypt; who knows where he was buried, depends on belief system.  One of biggest follies is the link between Abraham and Isaac; Abraham was from the city of Ur, a Babylonian.  Isaac was not the son of Abraham; he was the son of Shem, second son of Noah.  Isaac and Abraham fought over the death of Ham, Noah's third son, who had succumbed to Nimrod.  Abraham, a Persian prince, encountered Jacob and Esau on the mountain locked in civil strife; Abraham, with or without the power of God, siezed the holy land from underneath them; another folly is the link between the Jews and Adam, false, no direct link.  Adam can be link to Noah and to some extent the holy land; but Noah never claimed the holy land, which was under water at the time.  Noah claimed Prauge and the Sudetten Lands, battled the Vikings.
Adam is another bloodline all together, tagents believe he was an astronaut from Andromeda, which exploded twenty four thousand years ago, around the time of Neanderthal man, amazing.  Adam, from another solar system, interacts with Neo, "fire Neo fire."
When dually noted, Jerusalem, along with Kuwait, belong to the Babylonains; for now, the focus is the political, economical and religious factors during the time of Ceasar and Christ, which revolve around the seven Jewish Sects that sprouted from the migration and integration of the Jew into middle eastern culture.  The seven sects are as follows:
          Elders and Scribes, the church.
          Sanhedrin, law.
          Pharisees, order.
          Nazarites, education.
          Sadducees, upper-class.
          Essenes, middle-class.
          Zealots, lower class.
The marriage of Joseph and Mary marked the union of the middle and lower class; a time in history called the Jewish insurrection.  To fully understand; one must be familiar with the development of astronomy, mathmatics and the invention of the Ceasarian calendar, which replaced Aristotle's thinking the earth is the center; before Ceasar, people believed in Aristotle's system, including the Jewish Elders who preached a 240 day cycle based on the female birth process and the coming of the Lord.  Furthermore, Ceasar was richly versed in Jewish tradition, believing in the coming of the messiah, a Jewish bloodline that would bring together the middle and lower classes, stabilizing the Middle East and resolving the Israelite Palistinian conflict, a flame that continues to burn today.  With peace in the Middle East, Rome would be fortified with a trade route stemming from Munich to Baghdad.
Based on mathmatics and astronomy, Ceasar incorperated the Jewish calander as a focal point of the Christ movement and implemented the 365 day cycle rooted in the turning of the seasons, with the sun as the center and a leap year every 4 years to compinsate for the 23, not 24 hour day.  Secretly, the Roman State, those who were loyal to Ceasar, unofficially introduced the Ceasarian calander in 0 BC, with Christ's divine conception falling on Feb 28 1 AD, the first leap year of the new millenia, marking the age of Pieces and the beginning of the Jewish calander, the night of holy matrimony, Spring.  In those days, when they spoke of God, they spoke of Ceasar.  Common knowledge credits Nicolaus Copernicus, 15th century, with the sun as the center premise; in truth, it should be accredited to Ceasar, who made the calculations 1500 years earlier; to acknowledge Copernicus, he did lay the groundwork for Kepler's elliptic model, replacing Ceasar's circular logic, new wave: the earth, shaped like an egg, sun, incubator, center, neither earth nor sun, astreroid belt, solar system unified object with center of balance, human being standing waist high in pool of water. 

Nicolaus Copernicus

Johannes Kepler